Frequently asked questions on Parent Coaching and how we can work together.

  • Parenting is a wild, exhausting, triggering, rewarding and mind-blowing ride. Everyone can use support as parenting is no doubt the most important job you'll ever do. And a tough one, at that. A coach helps you to understand your strengths as well as your blind spots. It's their job to help you self-reflect, to see what parenting brings up for you that you haven't faced before so you can be as present and authentic in guiding your kids as possible. Nobody should feel as though they have to parent alone or as though they ought to know how to navigate all the ways parenting confuses, challenges and humbles us. With a coach by your side, you have an expert to bounce things off of, to translate what your children are saying, to help you see in a new way, what you thought before you may have understood. When you're ready to receive this type of insight and support, you're ready to deepen your connection with your children.

  • The answer is don't wait. Don't wait until there is a serious issue, a crisis or the family dynamics have gotten so outta whack, everyone is dysregulated most all the time. Instead, get ahead of all this by bringing an expert onto your team to help guide you, in honoring your relationship first and foremost. As your child is growing up, you want as much support in the early years as possible so that by the time they enter their adolescence, you're bond is so strong, the respect and connection so deep, they'll have this foundation to rely on when things become more unpredictable and they're out in the world more and more on their own. To adapt to your child's ever-evolving developmental stages and phases, hire a parent coach to help you really understand what matters most in laying the groundwork for the tween/teen years to come.

  • I've done one-time sessions and am not opposed to them but most of my work is done in three-month packages (called memberships). In this way, I've found the work to be so much more meaningful and the effects of it longer-lasting. When you become a member, you're committing to the work of really looking at your parenting and what your kiddo(s) need(s). For these three months, I'm equally committed to you and with you, by your side, on this journey. We start by taking a deep dive into your values and from there, you've access to me for daily, personal coaching customized of course to your family's needs. Becoming a member is solid proof you're genuinely invested in the relationship and open to the possibilities of a deeper connection with your child!

  • My work is on supporting parents, and this looks different with every family. I meet with moms alone sometimes, dads on their own, couples together. Sometimes, in the three months we're working together, it's a mix. It's always up to you, as far as what you feel would be most helpful. In general, I don't work with kiddos online. I do offer local mom-daughter workshops in Boulder, CO but virtually I spend my time supporting parents through our Zoom sessions and daily, via Voxer and email.

  • There is. I offer group calls every Friday for member families. Think of them like 'office hours'. You bring your questions and concerns and bounce ideas off each other. I'm present as a guide but the conversation unfolds organically every time, from what you all bring to it. Once a member, in my mind you're always one in that I know you and your family. As such, anytime after your membership expires, you're able to do spot-coaching follow-up type sessions with me at a discounted price, and this discounted rate is life-long.


True nature | True nurture